Straight from the South Seas

Straight from the South Seas
Retired Expat living the Philippines

Augustus Summerfield Merrimon

This Blog is dedicated to my great-great-grand uncle who was a Democratic US Senator from the state of North Carolina between 1873 and 1879.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tribute to Fallen Marines

Man fires pepper spray on protesters

What exactly is one's belief that leads them to a funeral to protest? How many other funerals were that day? What of those families and their right to return their loved one to the earth. Protest is a fashion statement these days. Our troops follow orders, bad or otherwise. There is nothing that can justify a protest at a funeral. Those people should have been arrested for disturbing the peace.

I can't believe this ! I looked around as I am amazed at what people will do these days. I am glad from what I can tell no kids were hurt. I see the pros and cons from each side because of what this church stands for. I am not all for wars but I think that the dying soldiers deserve some more dignity. Hopefully everyone fully recovers from this incident and hopefully the "church members" think twice about making noise where there should be silence and respect. Very bad situation all the way around.
Go To Man fires pepper spray on protesters

The sixth man to walk on the Moon comes clean

A national hero and the sixth man to walk on the moon said that your government and others have been in contact with ET’s for over 67 years. That’s an incredible statement. It was buried on page seven the next day in the NY Post…” Commercial Airline Pilot, Jim Courant. Our government has learned how to keep “Secrets” successfully for a very long time. Go to man who walked on the Moon comes clean

Amazon Books to Read

Fidel Castro Comes Clean

HAVANA, Cuba — Fidel Castro says al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden is a bought-and-paid-for CIA agent who always popped up when former President George W Bush needed to scare the world, arguing that documents recently posted on the Internet prove it. Go To bin Laden is a CIA agent  

As far as I can tell, Osama bin Laden has been a CIA asset for quite some time. He was one of the 'generals' in the Afghan/Russian resistance back in the 70s and at that time Afghanistan resistance was receiving weaponry from western arms dealers, along with advice and intelligence. If that incident was a micro USA/USSR border skirmish Osama bin Laden would have been consulting with US/NATO advisors. Just like our supplying/funding the border conflict in Iraq/Iran.

It's quite disgusting how our supposed 'role models' of global diplomacy, trust, and unity have become the back alley boys in a corrupt infrastructure packed in influentially negative world policy of profit and greed. As for Castro, he has survived many assassination attempts to silence him. I'm guessing he knows a great deal of geo-political corruption, and he wishes to clean out his closet before his final days.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Charlie Wilson's War

Iraq War Footage

Iraq War Fraud Grosses $100 Million More

Even though another $100 million is "missing" in so-called "reconstruction" funds, it may never be known how much Paul Bremer's Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) actually skimmed in Iraq War Fraud. An audit by Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction Stewart Bowen found that officers "cannot properly account for or support $96.6 million in cash and receipts." "There was no assurance that fraud, waste, and abuse did not occur in the management and administration of cash assets," the May 2005 audit concludes. The latest black hole of Iraq War fraud is the Rapid Reconstruction Response Program (R3P) which let the Coalition Provisional Authority, headed by Paul Bremer, dispense cash with little or no oversight. Indeed the audit concluded that RSP officials did not "properly document transfers of cash," or reconcile the amount disbursed and the amount received by its agents. These monies were part of "Development Fund of Iraq," (DFI), entrusted to the CPA by the United Nations. 

I find it disturbing to see videos of Donald Rumsfield shaking hands with Saddam Hussein 20 years ago. It just goes to show you how you cannot trust anybody. If that can happen then anything is possible. It just goes to show how the leaders of our countries today that make out they are there to care and to protect us could also change and in the future become our enemies. I believe that the whole American Government is a fuck up. Democrats and Republicans don't seem to know what they are doing. America has been in debt for well over 20 years. Of course, I am not a conservative nor am I a liberal. I just want to preserve our constitutional rights.

Video Games from Amazon

Coming Soon to You

Coming to you New posts - all in a new direction. By the Old Guy

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Glen Beck's Rally in Washington DC

I have never seen the Glenn Beck's show, and I have read about him on the Internet a few times, so I have no direct opinion on whether he is an idiot, a genius, or an evil genius. I respectfully suggest, however, that when you have offended a huge proportion of African-Americans by scheduling a rally in the same spot and on the same date as Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech, you might not want to promote it as "[leading] America out of darkness." Unless, of course, you are trying to piss people off.

(photo: Yahoo.News)

Parents sue after filming priest having sex with teen daughter

A Pennsylvania couple secretly videotaped a Catholic priest having sex with their 18-year-old daughter in the basement of their home and are now suing, saying he got her pregnant. The lawsuit, filed on Thursday, alleges that the Reverend Luis A Bonilla Margarito carried on a sexual relationship with the teen while he was the chaplain of Reading Central Catholic High School and she was a senior there. Now, I'm far from being a "church basher"..... But they certainly do bring a whole lot of pain down on themselves when this stuff goes on.

GO TO Catholic Priest

China’s biggest video game convention

Guys, it's called ChinaJoy 2010, China's largest video game convention. It's important to note that the sexy cosplayers you see here undergo hours of professional makeup to look like this. The results are impressively sexy but you have to wonder how many of these girls are actually just sexy impostors?

US Gold Reserves Books from Amazon

Ron Paul Calls for Audit of US Gold Reserves

Halo Reach
4. Halo: Reach – Holidays 2010: Not much is known behind Bungie’s fabled last Halo title, but we are promised to find out more at the Spike TV VGA Awards on December 12 when Bungie reveals a new trailer. Leaked screenshots have shown a new game engine, new gameplay mechanics and much more, so we will reserve our judgment on the future of the next Halo title until we see more. (That trailer has now been released, check out a news story posted on December 13, 2009 to view the highly-anticipated video).
3. Fable III – November 2010: Lionhead Studios is ready to serve up a sequel to their massively popular Fable franchise, which will be two years removed from Fable II. Incorporating Project Natal, Peter Molyneux and crew have a lot in store to showcase what they can do with Microsoft’s “next-gen” technology forthe Xbox 360 . The Fable II DLC was some of the best add-on content we had ever seen, taking the world of Fable and smashing completely new story-lines for a small amount of money. We have to hope that Mr. Molyneux can continue the strong tradition of creating triple-A titles, exclusively forthe Xbox 360 (Fable 3 will be exclusive to Microsoft’s little white console).
2. Splinter Cell: Conviction – February 23, 2010: It’s been a long time coming, but Ubisoft is about ready to unleash the Splinter Cell franchise once again on the Xbox 360. Splinter Cell: Conviction is exclusive to the Xbox 360 as of this writing, so we can bet the house that Microsoft will be tooting that horn in a few months.
Bonus Pick. Dead Space 2 – October 31, 2010: The first Dead Space, developed by the guys over at Visceral Games, was one of our top video games of 2008. It blended together action and survival horror with perfection, creating one of the most memorable experiences ever to gracethe Xbox 360 gaming console. The sequel looks to take that momentum and carry players into a completely new environment, possibly a new planet (as the USG Ishimura probably won’t be working too well these days). We can only hope that the team can recreate that fantastic experience that was the first Dead Space, watch out for it sometime in October of next year.

Top 10 Best Animated Movie

Top 5 Most Deadly Airplane Crashes

1. Final Fantasy XIII – March 9, 2010: The biggest surprise in the last five years was that Microsoft was able to lure away Final Fantasy XIII from the PlayStation 3 and get in bed with Square-Enix after a lot of “it’s never going to happen” articles that popped up on the net. With the industry in the “never say never” mood nowadays,Final Fantasy XIII is finally gearing up for release this spring and it will steal the soul of millions of gamers worldwide.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Future Is Coming: Artificial Intelligence

By the 2020's, computers will be able to read, understand, and model with the equivalent ability of a human. With their increasing computational power, they will be able to read and learn from all human literature, a feat no man could complete in a lifetime. And eventually they will go out into the world and learn on their own... Once the machines match humans in their ability to understand abstract concepts, recognize patterns, and other human abilities, it will be able to apply these abilities to all human and machine-acquired knowledge.
Yes this is very scary. As with any powerful technology, it can be used for good or bad. I just prefer to think about the positive side. And I also feel that the better informed we are, the better decisions we will make.

Amazing UFO China July 2010