Straight from the South Seas

Straight from the South Seas
Retired Expat living the Philippines

Augustus Summerfield Merrimon

This Blog is dedicated to my great-great-grand uncle who was a Democratic US Senator from the state of North Carolina between 1873 and 1879.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Neo-Nazi Couple Find Out They're Jewish

Two Polish neo-Nazis who were childhood sweethearts and later became skinheads have discovered what for them a shocking family secret is: They're actually Jewish. Pawel and Ola, identified only by their first names, is the subject of a CNN documentary about Poles rediscovering their Jewish roots generations after their ancestors hid their religious identities to escape persecution during World War II. A few years ago, Ola found out from Warsaw's Jewish Historical Institute that both she and her husband are technically Jews. Source: Polish neo-Nazis

This shows how false this whole neo-Nazi crap really is. The fact is they can give up they're previous beliefs so quickly once the tables turn against them. And that'll sure screw up a nice healthy hatred, won't it? God does have a sense of humor...and sometimes it isn't all that friendly.

MICRO INNOVATIONS MM745H Voicemaster Foldable Headset

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ferry from Danao City to Camotes

Next time your on Camotes Island and if you have the money and energy and some remaining liver and then  knock out a few bottles of San Miguel, spend some time with the pretty girls... oh yeah... and if you have the get-up-and-go then catch up on you’re diving in between.
In the South Seas

Doused a fire with a giant bucket of water

This morning I awoke feeling like Conan the Barbarian with a big S taped to my chest then I realized I was trapped in a 74 year old body. God I needed to laugh. Awaking to my laughter my wife turned in bed in the meantime I can't help myself and let go again. No I wasn’t dreaming I was plain ass happy to be next to my wife here in Danao. Worried Beng ask me was I in trouble? I gave her some halfhearted excuse and she probably thought her old Kano was momentary mad and then she sighed and then going back to sleep. Or maybe she thought my mind was cluttered with some dreams of a neurotic nymphomaniac I knew back in my younger days. NO, I was happy.

Beng is darn smart I have to tell you guys. Junior and I are at loggerheads most the time lately. Whenever we’re playing 20 questions, such as; why weren’t you on time for dinner or where have you been? You guys know what it is like dealing with a 15 year old teenager. Well, don’t you? When we’re finished playing our 20 question game of cat and mouse my adolescence son and I generally end up being pissed off at each other. It’s sort like banging my head against a stone wall. My smart and very patience wife explained to me extremely carefully so I wouldn’t feel like a like a complete idiot, whenever Junior speaks he mumbles and me I am almost stone deaf – it’s like two guys walking through a minefield. WE HAVE NO COMMUNCATION. After Beng told me this bit inform I felt as if I had just been doused with a giant bucket of water. Then her shoulders relaxed and she smiled like Gwyneth Paltrow does in the movies.

It Takes a Village (Hardcover) 

Monday, September 27, 2010

Those were the Days

WE ALL have had the best possible ride anyone could ever have had. Because most of us were born after the “New Deal” had become a done deal, we all enjoyed incredible opportunities. Thanks to the Fair Labor Standards Act, we didn’t have to work ourselves into the ground for a poor man’s wage. We all could actually live on what we made. And thanks to widespread unionization, even if we were in a non-union shop, we still got taken care of better-because a good employee might have jumped to a union shop if he or she wasn’t treated well. Your and my parents, who suffered through both a awful Depression and then WW 2, did everything in their power to make sure that we all never had to suffer what they had gone through. The post-WW 2 era saw American opportunity for everyone who was willing to work for the chance, including minorities and women in due time.

Fired!: Tales of the Canned, Canceled, Downsized, and Dismissed

Stream Ship, Trains to Kansas

Pictured is my grandfather – this photo of him was taken around 1900 in Texas. My grandmother Grace Brown married James Curtis "Jewel" Allen on October 3, 1904, in Denton County, Texas. At the time of his death the family was living in Clearwater, Florida. James died in 1913. After the death of her husband, she with her three small caught a steam ship from Tampa, Florida to Galveston, Texas. Once arriving in Galveston she caught a train to West Texas where she and her three children visited with her late husband's relatives. And then the widowed Grace returned to Kansas where she and her three children lived with her mother Ann in Hutchinson, Kansas. To earn a living and to support her three minor children Grace built and opened a rooming house in Pratt. While the new house was being build my Dad along with his two sisters, Marguerite and Maureen, would dig up old buried Indian arrowheads.... A childhood treasure!

The Official Overstreet Identification and Price Guide to Indian Arrowheads 10th Edition (Official Overstreet Indian Arrowhead Identification and Price Guide)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Two Young Divers in Bogo

A performer takes part in the Carnival

A performer takes part in the Notting Hill Carnival as hundreds of thousands celebrate in the streets of London soaking up the Caribbean spirit at Europe's biggest street party..(AFP/Carl Court) Source: Yahoo.News

DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: The Caribbean

Double-amputee back on duty

In this Sept. 14, 2010 photo, U.S. Capt. Dan Luckett, 27, of Norcross, Ga., talks to fellow soldiers at Forward Operating Base Wilson in Afghanistan'sKandahar province. Luckett lost his left leg and part of his right foot in a bomb blast in Iraq in 2008. The Pentagon says 41 American amputee veterans are now serving in combat zones worldwide.

In the Graveyard of Empires: America's War in Afghanistan

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Me and San Miguel

Ah yes, I remember the day of drinking my first San Miguel. It was the beer of choice of the navy in my sailor days. Back in 1956 I was introduced to San Miguel in Puerto Rico while stationed at Roosevelt Roads and immediately I enjoyed the taste as much as any other blue blooded bell bottom sailor or sea going marine.  It was available wherever the navy fleet went, Puerto Rico, Hong Kong, Guam and of course the Philippines. Even to this very day I remember that first beer that had been chilled and the sweet taste to my thirsty throat. I hit the jackpot!

How to Make Perfect Wines and Spirits From Home: A Recipe Book

Poll shows over half of voters dislike both Dems and GOP

I'm happy to see that people appear to be seeing through the Republican Party. Neither party is really looking out for the interests of the people nor do they both really oppose each other on issues that are relatively unimportant. Take immigration for instance, on the surface, it would appear that both parties are not willing to do anything to stem the tide, despite what the Republicans say. It's real easy; you enforce border security and go after the companies who are illegally hiring these illegal immigrants. Both parties are for big government and uncontrolled spending, while neither party is willing to do anything to stop the corruption, despite what they say.

There seems to be a pattern where we keep trading the Democrats for Republicans and then the Republicans for Democrats, with the same anti-freedom and anti-liberty policies being set. I'm surprised that it is taking so long for the American people to realize that we are no better off with the Republicans than we are with the Democrats and vice versa. They both push the same agenda that benefits interests that are contradictory to our own interests. When the Republicans rule the roost, we get screwed over so we trade them out for the Democrats, only to continue to get screwed over. We repeat this cycle every 6 years or so, meanwhile it is only the American people losing out and the same interests winning. How much longer are we willing to trade one obnoxious party for another?

When You Ride Alone You Ride with Bin Laden

Friday, September 24, 2010

US walks out on Ahmadinejad's UN speech

UNITED NATIONS – The U.S. delegation walked out of the U.N. speech of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Thursday after he said some in the world have speculated that Americans were behind the Sept. 11 terror attacks, staged in an attempt to assure Israel's survival. He did not explain the logic of that statement that was made as he attacked the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Source: Yahoo.News

Delegates from the US walked out of the UN during a speech by the Iranian President, after he suggested 9/11 was the work of America to save Israel. Diplomacy doesn't appear to be on Ahmadinejad's agenda, does it? I'm not sure he even knows diplomatic speech and behavior exist. Anybody knows not to go into a foreign land and be so harsh with unsubstantiated claims and accusations. He's an asshole, but what do you expect from someone who denies the holocaust happened? Not surprising, really. Some would say he speaks the truth unfettered by the hand of the elite. Others that he is just pushing his luck! Either way this can’t lead to anything good, given the current climate, I am sure this will lead to further diplomatic wrangling and saber rattling. I feel this is just a further escalation in the charade that is global geo-politics.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Thursday, September 23, 2010

2010 Danao City Fiesta

Another Politician Snow Job

While it may sound like a great idea to have our President sponsor more Government jobs such as building roads and things of that nature, believe me, that's not what we need. The Government doesn't have any more money to spend. The money they do spend is money they have borrowed from overseas. Borrow, borrow, borrow, and then borrow some more. Meanwhile I can just imagine the Washington politicians saying to each other, “That's awesome! That's progress. What a huge step!”

The country was in the great depression in time of FDR but we didn't have the kind of debt we have today. What we need is for our Government to lure back private businesses! When businesses feel like they can grow again, that's when we will see jobs on the rise. Government hand-outs in the form of sponsored projects or welfare, or anything else is like paying a credit card with yet another credit card. Eventually it will lead us to spiral down all the way to the bottom of the hole.

Unbelievable to some, I can almost hear the squeals of politicians as they are voted out of office in the November election.

There is a great deal in this country that truly think like that unfortunately. They have no qualms about spending massive amounts of money to build the infrastructure or provide healthcare to foreign countries. The policy makers in Washington give the impression that the US and its present currency system are toast, along with all pensions, savings, and everything else...Give me a break!

It appears that our lawmakers of today are doing absolutely nothing. And that goes for both Democrats and Republicans.

Does Anybody Have a Problem with That? The Best of Politically Incorrect

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

BREAKING NEWS - Va can execute woman

RICHMOND, Va. – A woman convicted of two hired killings is scheduled to die by injection Thursday and become the first woman put to death in Virginia in nearly a century, after the U.S. Supreme Court refused to block her execution. Teresa Lewis, 41, was sentenced to death for providing sex and money to two men to kill her husband and stepson in October 2002 so she could collect on a quarter-million dollar insurance pay out. The nation's high court refused Tuesday to intervene. Va. could execute 1st woman in nearly a century
 Source: Yahoo.News

Up to 50% Off Halloween Costumes

You need a Halloween Costume? For your Kids? With great Savings. Check out Amazon's costumes.

Mexico, Drugs and the Recession

I wonder sometimes what the politicians in Washington might do in this great recession; they might be able to deflect the jobless recovery for several years by waging war on the drug cartels. Would Mexico allow to a takeover by the cartels or would they willingly turn to the US for guns and butter? Some African nations might go along for the economic benefits.

Invading Mexico would truly bring the drug wars to the US. The Mexican people and the world will not stand by if the US repeats its adventures into Mexico as we did so many years ago. The previous wars were not that popular, except in some regions of the South West. I’m there will be always someone who cheers that. When people in the US start dying because of the stupidity of a leadership that chooses to ignore the reality of what happened with regards to prohibition, the consequences to the cost will be enormous.

The careless attitude expressed about war, suggests someone more interested in a political agenda than anything to benefit Americans, and the misreading of history is enormous. Which is exactly right is saying - worked out in the rise of something similar to Nazism. I can imagine that if the government was looking to take the pressure off the working class they would round up the illegals and send them packing.

In the short-term the government will need some policy to pretend at leadership. I just think that, looking at the prospects, I guess waging a real shoot-em up war with the cartels would be their best shot while waiting out the recession.

I often wonder how the Afghan and Iraq wars have lasted far longer than WWII. Did it take that long to restore the oil fields and get oil flowing again? Didn’t the Al-Queda leave the battle field years ago?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

AMAZING Halo Reach Gameplay

This is a sweet Halo Reach Powerhouse King of the Hill gameplay from SkyD0g in which he gets an Invincible, an overkill, a perfection, and a game win to top it all off. Enjoy!

TO BUY GO TO Halo Reach

Tools & Home Improvement This Fall

In October, Get Your Home Ready for the Holidays page will feature items to help you  prepare for upcoming company. They'll find ideas for refreshing the bathroom, making the kitchen sparkle, and sprucing up the front entryway. Also featured will be great savings on select power tools up to 40% off and select designer lighting by Candice Olson up to 25% off. 

In addition to project ideas, Amazon is featuring a number of sizzling deals in September, such as an extra 25% off eligible American Standard faucets sold and shipped by, including kitchen sink faucets, bathroom sink faucets, and shower and tub faucets, while supplies last.

General Powell’s remarks about the President

Here are retired General Powell’s remarks about President Barack Obama on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on last Sunday:

Powell said; “You can't just sit around beating up the President. But the President also has to I think shift the way in which he has been doing things. I think the American People feel that too many programs have come down. There are so many rocks in our knapsack now that we're having trouble carrying it. I think the President has to like a like a razor blade, just go right after the single issue that is uppermost in the minds of the American People and that's employment. And he's done a lot with health care, with cap and trade, with education. And I understand the importance of all of that. But as far as the American People are concerned, the main attack is employment. … I think he has lost some of the ability to connect that he had during the campaign. And it is not just me picking on the President. It's reflected in the polling. Some of the anxiety and anger that you see out there, I think comes from a belief on the part of the American People, whether it's correct or incorrect, and the White House would say it's incorrect, that not enough attention, his singular focus should be on employment…”

President Obama is all these things and more, that's why the confusion. People are left going in all kinds of different directions at once, and aside from being against Obama, there’s nothing new, nothing fresh for Republicans to be for. The Republicans can’t keep their emotional rant against Obama and the Democrats up forever. Sooner or later the anger and fear won’t have the punch they once did, and the Republicans won’t be the party that can take things in new directions. They’ll be the party of tired old rivals. For how can America go forward to reclaim being number one in the world? Given that Smaller Government and Less Spending cannot be the only answer.

But are those jobs quality jobs that a person can support themselves on or low paying service sector minimum wage jobs? We used to make steel in America, now we make happy meals.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Should we listen to the tea party movement?

President Clinton says, “We should all listen to the tea party movement.” 

I sometimes wonder if Sarah Palin supporters, and some tea-partiers, really want to have an actual candidate, or just someone that tells them exactly what they want to hear. Even if it is complete rubbish about Kenya Birth Certificates, Sharia Law, Antichrists and secret Muslims. As far as Palin goes, I personally think it is all an act. Not the fact that she isn't the brightest bulb in the box, that much is true, but I don't think she believes or practices half the stuff that comes out of her mouth. This “mama grizzles, prayer warriors, guns guns guns” crap is just so shameless, because I know the lady is just selling a game to get elected. Here is my message to Palin and the Tea Party; Stop claiming Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Pain and Patrick Henry as your own. They were Libertarians, not theocratic college professors. Stop degrading their name.

Like Bill Maher said, you don't argue with these people. It's like trying to convince a devoted Catholic that there's no God and Evolution is no longer a theory. It's IMPOSSIBLE to get through these folks. But to each their own...if they want to live the lives of bigots, so be it. I'm just afraid of them getting into the White House.

He refused to regard himself as disabled

Terry Fox statue in Beacon Hill Park, Victoria, British Columbia

Terrance Stanley "Terry" Fox; (July 28, 1958 – June 28, 1981) was a Canadian humanitarian, athlete, and cancer research activist. In 1980, with one leg having been amputated, he embarked on a cross-Canada run to raise money and awareness for cancer research. Although the spread of his cancer eventually forced him to end his quest after 143 days and 5,373 kilometers (3,339 mi), and ultimately cost him his life, his efforts resulted in a lasting, worldwide legacy. The annual Terry Fox Run, first held in 1981, has grown to involve millions of participants in over 60 countries and is now the world's largest one-day fundraiser for cancer research; over C$500 million has been raised in his name. Fox ran with an unusual gait, as he was required to hop-step on his good leg due to the extra time the springs in his artificial leg required to reset after each step. 

Fox was a distance runner and basketball player for his Port Coquitlam, British Columbia high school and Simon Fraser University. His right leg was amputated in 1977 after he was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, though he continued to run using an artificial leg. He also played wheelchair basketball in Vancouver, winning three national championships.

In 1980, he began the Marathon of Hope, a cross-country run to raise money for cancer research. Fox hoped to raise one dollar for each of Canada's 24 million people. He started with little fanfare from St. John's, Newfoundland in April and ran the equivalent of a full marathon every day. Fox had become a national star by the time he reached Ontario; he made numerous public appearances with businessmen, athletes, and politicians in his efforts to raise money. He was forced to end his run outside of Thunder Bay when the cancer spread to his lungs. His hopes of overcoming the disease and completing his marathon ended when he died nine months later.

In the following months, Fox received multiple chemotherapy treatments; however, the disease continued to spread. As his condition worsened, Canadians hoped for a miracle and Pope John Paul II sent a telegram saying that he was praying for Fox. Doctors turned to experimental interferon treatments, though their effectiveness against osteogenic sarcoma was unknown. He suffered an adverse reaction to his first treatment, but continued the program after a period of rest.

Fox was re-admitted to hospital on June 19, 1981, with chest congestion and developed pneumonia. He fell into a coma and died at 4:35 a.m. PDT on June 28, 1981, with his family by his side. The Government of Canada ordered flags across the country lowered to half mast, an unprecedented honor that was usually reserved for statesmen. Addressing the House of Commons, Trudeau said, “It occurs very rarely in the life of a nation that the courageous spirit of one person unites all people in the celebration of his life and in the mourning of his death ... We do not think of him as one who was defeated by misfortune but as one who inspired us with the example of the triumph of the human spirit over adversity.”

Fox was the youngest person ever named a Companion of the Order of Canada, the highest rank of the nation's highest civilian award. He won the 1980 Lou Marsh Award as the nation's top sportsman and was named Canada's Newsmaker of the Year in both 1980 and 1981. Considered a national hero, he has had many buildings, roads and parks named in his honor across the country.

Terry Fox: A Story of Hope

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Breaking News - YOUR MONEY

Los Angeles spent $70 million in stimulus funds to create 7.76 jobs
A new piece of evidence has emerged in the debate over the effectiveness of President Obama's 2009 stimulus package, and it's not good for Democrats. According to two newly released audits performed by the Los Angeles controller, L.A. spent enormous portions of the $594 million in stimulus funds it received on projects that created or saved just a handful of jobs. All told, the audits - available - examined $111 million in stimulus spending by the city's Department of Transportation and Department of Public Works, and found that the money went to projects that created or retained just 54 jobs. That works out to roughly $2 million per job.

The $71 million that went to the Department of Public Works, which funded 15 road-surfacing and similar projects, was projected to save or create 238 jobs. But according to the audit, the money created just 7.76 jobs or slightly more than $10 million per new job and saved 37.7 (the fractions are a result of calculating the number of jobs by hours worked). The Department of Transportation's $40 million created or retained just nine jobs, the audit found.

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin speaks at the International Council of Shopping Centers' annual global retail real estate convention, at the Las VegasConvention Center May 2010 in Nevada. The White House Friday called Palin a "formidable force" within the Republican party at a time when she is showing signs of interest in running for president in 2012. Source: Yahoo.News

Sarah Palin, Faith Family Country

Opening this year's annual Oktoberfest in southern Germany

Munich Mayor Christian Ude waves during the opening ceremony for the 177th Oktoberfest in Munich September 18, 2010. Millions of beer drinkers from aroundthe world will come to the Bavarian capital over the next two weeks for the world's biggest and most famous beer festival, the Oktoberfest, which celebrates its 200th anniversary this year. Source: 

Felix & Theo Oktoberfest (German Edition)

Sore Loser

US Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska has announced she will run as a write-in candidate to keep her Senate seat after losing her bid to be the Republicanparty's nominee in the primary. Source: Yahoo.News

United States Senators From Alaska: Mike Gravel, Ted Stevens, Mark Begich, Lisa Murkowski, Frank Murkowski, Ernest Gruening, Bob Bartlett

Meat Packers we love them – well maybe

In 1906, Upton Sinclair released his classic muckraking novel The Jungle. It exposed conditions in the U.S. meat packing industry, causing a public uproar that contributed in part to the passage a few months later of the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act. According to Sinclair’s novel, the packing industry was run in an utter condition of squalor, where packers frequently sold rancid and diseased meat to the public in order to cut costs.

Those of you who were educated in public schools are probably familiar with this myth, since this is what you were told was the truth by your teachers. Many of you may have even been forced to choke down the lies Sinclair spewed forth in this novel by having it included in your education as mandatory reading.

A note on Sinclair himself, he was a dedicated socialist who actually ran for Congress on the Socialist Party ticket. The guy was a complete mental case. I’m sure that wasn’t mentioned though in your history classes, where he is typically presented as a simple man who only wanted the best for America.

The Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act were HEAVILY lobbied for by the large meat packing producers over the course of several decades. There was very little diseased meat being processed, and Sinclair’s novel is nothing but a bunch of total baloney. The mega meat packing corporations took advantage of the hype Sinclair had created with his novel of lies and finally rammed through a bill they had been trying to pass for decades.

The large meat packing corporations wanted this regulation for several reasons.

a) Government inspections added a large fixed operating cost to producers due to the administrative overhead. While this may sound counter-intuitive, this effectively serves as a large barrier to entry into the meat packing business. The smaller packers do not have the economy of scale to be able to absorb this fixed cost so they end up being run out of business by the large producers because the small guys necessarily need to raise the price of their meat higher to account for the additional cost.

b) The Europeans at the time had begun barring meat imports to protect their own meat producer’s profits under the guise of “diseased meat” being imported. So the Europeans were requiring that imported meats undergo an inspection process. Thus, the US meat packers had to have their meat inspected anyways by private inspectors if they wanted to be able to export their meat. By lobbying the US government to inspect their meat, the large US meat packers could pass the cost of this inspection process that had to happen anyways, on to US tax payers. This served to socialize inspection costs for the large US meat exporters.

Since the smaller producers did not generally engage in export, they didn’t bother to have their meat inspected – thus, the smaller producers were able to compete with large producers in local markets. By forcing all meat packers to undergo inspection, the government basically ran the small meat packing operations out of business.

c) The inspection seal effectively serves as a fantastic marketing gimmick. It provides a false sense of security to US consumers and legitimizes the meat processed as being approved by the US government.

Jonathan Ogden Armour, President of Armour and Company, one of the largest meat packing corporations in America, wrote the following in a March 1906 Saturday Evening Post article:

“To attempt to evade government inspection with beef from a purely commercial viewpoint is suicidal. No packer can do an interstate or export business without government inspection. Self-interest forces him to make use of it. Self-interest likewise demands he shall not receive meats or byproducts from any small packer either for export or other use unless that small packer is also official (under government inspection.) This government inspection thus becomes an important adjunct of the packer business from two view points. It puts the stamp of legitimacy and honesty the packer’s product, and so is to him a necessity, and to the public as an assurance against diseased meats.”

Folks we have to wake up… The government can’t keep you safe from anything and is ALWAYS used by big business as a tool to suppress competition, enact monopoly privileges, and otherwise loot the public to no end. It should be blatantly obvious to anyone with half a brain that as government has grown, so has the wealth disparity. There is a clear reason for this. Government creates the wealth disparity by granting monopoly privileges to corporations through contracts and patents, by subsidizing industry and bailing them out, and by enacting regulations which serve as barriers to entry.

Go TO: Toxin

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Escape of Dieter Dengler USN

On February 1, 1966, the day after the carrier began flying missions from Yankee Station, Lieutenant, J.G. Dengler launched from Ranger with three other aircraft on an interdiction mission against a truck convoy that had been reported in North Vietnam. Thunderstorms forced the flight to divert to their secondary target, a road intersection located west of the Mu Gia Pass in Laos. At the time, U.S. air operations in Laos were classified "secret." Visibility was poor due to smoke from burning fields, and upon rolling in on the target, LTJG Dengler and the remainder of his flight lost sight of one another. Dengler was the last man in and was hit by anti-aircraft fire. He managed to crash-land his Skyraider in Laos. When his squadron mates realized that he had been downed, they remained confident that he would be rescued. Dengler had a reputation from his experiences at the Navy survival school, where he had escaped from the mock-POW camp run by SERE instructors and Marine guards three times. The day after being shot down, Lt. Dengler was seized by Pathet Lao troops. Bound, he was led through several villages. Escaping once he failed to signal a passing aircraft. He was later recaptured while drinking from a spring. In retaliation, he was tortured numerous ways while in captivity.

Except for Duane Martin, who was an Air Force helicopter pilot who had been shot down in North Vietnam nearly a year before, the other prisoners were civilians employed by Air America, a civilian airline owned by the C.I.A. The civilians had been in Pathet Lao hands for over two and a half years when Dengler joined them. The day he arrived in the camp, Dengler advised the other prisoners that he intended to escape and invited them to join him. They advised that he wait until the monsoon season when there would be plenty of water.

While the guards were eating, the group slipped out of their hand and foot restraints and grabbed the guards' unattended weapons, which included M1 rifles, Chinese automatic rifles, an American carbine and at least one submachine gun. Dengler went out first followed by two of the Thais. He went to the guard hut and seized an M1 for himself, and passed two Chinese automatic rifles to the Thais. The guards realized the prisoners had escaped and five of them rushed toward Dengler, who shot at least three with the M1. One of the Thais shot a popular guard in the leg. Dengler and Martin found themselves in a jungle filled with leeches, insects and other creatures that made life miserable. They made their way down a creek and found a river, but when they thought they were on their way to the Mekong, they discovered that they had gone around in a circle. They had spotted several villages but had not been detected. They set up camp in an abandoned village where they found shelter from the nearly incessant rain.

A 2-ship flight of Air Force Skyraiders from the 1st Air Commando Squadron happened to fly up the river where Dengler was. The pilot of the lead plane and the squadron commander spotted a flash of white while making a turn at the river's bend and came back and spotted a man waving something white. The pilot and his wingman contacted rescue forces but were told to ignore the sighting, as no airmen were known to be down in the area. The Air Force pilot persisted and eventually managed to convince the command and control center to dispatch a rescue force. Fearing that Dengler might be a Viet Cong soldier, the helicopter crew restrained him when he was brought aboard. one of the flight crew who was holding him down pulled out a half eaten snake from underneath Dengler's clothing and was so surprised he nearly fell out of the helicopter. See Dengler and Rescue Dawn

Go To: Rescue Dawn [Blu-ray]

My opinion – Candidates

What does a campaign truly demand of a candidate?  To become president or congress member, or even the local dogcatcher you must love talking about yourself: Talk, talk, brag and talk, every day, every evening, on national or on the local television, in the company of newspaper reporters, in every spare moment, and not just for a few days or weeks but for years and years on end. If you don't crave attention, if you don't long for admiration if you don't, and at some level, feel you are God's gift to the American people. Nonetheless in order to become the candidate, each also had to make a series of utterly ruthless decisions, choices that most nice guys would find revolting.  Any person who was ever closely connected with any politic candidate is at risk of unpleasant media exposure. No one who works for any candidate has job security, and none can expect any favors. In the meantime, they can put the finishing touches on the office bathroom with a checklist that might rival a roll of toilet paper in length.

Friday, September 17, 2010

USS Forrestal not forgotten

The grand old lady USS Forrestal was launched 11 December 1954 by Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Co., Newport News, Virginia, , sponsored by Josephine Forrestal, widow of Secretary Forrestal; and commissioned 1 October 1955, Captain R. L. Johnson in command. She was the first American aircraft carrier to be constructed with an angled flight deck, steam catapult, and landing signal lights, as opposed to having them installed after launching.

In succeeding tours of duty in the Mediterranean, the Forrestal visited many ports to "show the flag" and take on board dignitaries and the general public. For military observers she staged underway demonstrations to illustrate her capacity to bring air power to and from the sea in military operations on any scale. She was open for visitors at many ports, as well as taking part in the patrol and training schedule of the 6th Fleet. The grand old lady made history in November 1963 when on Lt. James H. Flatley III and his crew members, Lt. Cmdr. "Smokey" Stovall and Aviation Machinist's Mate 1st Class Ed Brennan, made 21 full-stop landings and takeoffs in a C-130 Hercules aboard the ship.

The USS Forrestal was decommissioned 11 September 1993 at Pier 6E in Philadelphia, and was stricken from the Naval Vessel Register the same day. After being stricken, she was heavily stripped to support the rest of the carrier fleet. On June 15, 2010 the Forrestal departed Naval Station Newport in Newport, Rhode Island, where she had been stored since 1998, under tow for the inactive ship storage facility in Philadelphia. The Forrestal is now tied up at Pier 4 in Philadelphia, next to the USS John F. Kennedy, and it is expected the ship will remain there until the Navy decides her final disposition which will consist of either being sold for scrap or sunk as a target and/or an artificial reef.
Sailors to the End : The Deadly Fire on the USS Forrestal and the Heroes Who Fought It

Where Did President Roosevelt Go?

Since I was born in the depths of the Great Depression and today’s recession reminds me of my early years…which brings me to my parents, Ed and Maybelle. Since they knew ‘hard times’ both my Mom and Dad were New Deal Franklin D. Roosevelt Democrats. Yes I remember the days when my shoe soles had holes, a nickel ice cream cone was a big treat and there never seem to be enough money in the family money glass jar. In those days there was no such thing as a mid-day snack attack. Of we knew that President Herbert Hoover and his political party were for the rich Wall Street bankers, while President Roosevelt was for the common man, the working man... at least that’s what my Dad had told me. There was no such thing as special interest or focus groups... or computers, TVs, MTV, etc. My folks and their friends all idolized the president. And no one knew our president then was wheel chaired bound. As a young boy I listened faithfully along with my parents to the president’s fireside chats as he cheered on Americans to better times whether it was in the depths depression or in dark days of wartime. What wisdom this man had! In my young mind he seemed to know all the right answers and it seemed as if he was talking directly to my family but of course he wasn’t. I now recall no one much liked his wife Eleanor since was too socialist for Americans taste. Besides she was a busybody and wore silly looking hats. Plus she talked strange to most and had socialist ideas! With a charisma president encouraging them on everyone rolled up their shirt sleeves to win a war and to build a prosperous and a confident America. Since I was in childcare as my folks worked for the navy I can remember the unforgettable “Rosy the Riveter” doing her job - building tanks, airplanes and ships while her men folks were far away from America’s shores. When I was a young second grader I did my part by collecting scrap metal for the war effort and saving my nickels and dimes to buy War Bonds... and metal drives to build the tanks, ships...

Of course there was no war on drugs – only air warrens that come by in the darkness of the night and then inform my Dad to pull down the air raid curtains which were very heavy and made of the color green and sometimes the neighbor’s dog trashing his Victory Garden and boy there was hell to pay. Furious and shaking his head my old man somehow gotten his hands on a one shoot BB Gun and lay in wait for wandering dog.  I now can recall he’d have me as his lookout as he hid from sight  from our trespasser, when I spotted this ‘god damn dog’ as my old man called him like an alien spaceship flew down from the sky my Dad would take aim with his trusty BB Gun and shot the dog in the rear. Guys remember this was long before TV and the radio entertainers were either drafted or entertaining the troops. But sometimes we would gather around the family radio and listen to Tokyo Rose...Looking back 60 some years I guess it was our entertainment. Then, no TV  to watch or hot pizza to be delivered – can you imagine that! Oh before I forget to tell you the BB Gun had been given to me but I was never allowed to use it because it might put out my eye.

Since the Great Depression had passed and the war was on it’s last breath and then the day came when I was nine years old seeing the American flag flying at half-mast. Looking up to the 48 stars flag I wondered why this was so; as I had always seen our flag flying at the very top. Upon reaching home both my parents were sadden, my Mom in tears and my Dad who had gotten the day off from work at the Mare Island Navy Shipyard, he was wondering what the country would do without the common man President Roosevelt. The good news was by then we were out of the hard times, we were winning the war against our enemies and better times were ahead. And by the way who was this new fellow Harry S. Truman? There was a happy ending coming soon – the war would be over!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Amazon Fall Blowout Sale

As we head into the holiday season, we wanted to offer you a special promotion on Amazon. Check out Amazon's Fall Blowout Sale.

Small and Priced Right

A Tata Motors’ Nano car stands displayed at the company's plant in Pimpri, 160 km (100 miles) southeast of Mumbai, India, Wednesday, March 25, 2009. Engineers stripped away everything they could on Tata Nano, the $2,000 automobile designed for poor Indians, which goes on sale in India next month. The car is 10.2 feet (3.1 meters) long, 4.9 feet (1.5 meters) wide, and 5.6 feet (1.7 meters) high, and gets an impressive 55.5 miles to the gallon (23.6 kilometers per liter). Tata Motors says it emits 12 percent less carbon dioxide than two-wheelers made in India. Source: Yahoo.News

Castro discusses “Nuclear Winter”

HAVANA – Fidel Castro has participated in a scientific conference with a U.S. researcher, discussing the threat of a "nuclear winter." Alan Robock, a professor in the Department of Environmental Studies at Rutgers University, spoke with Castro during a Tuesday meeting in Havana. The pair talked about the catastrophic effects on global climate change that could be unleashed by nuclear war, state media said. Castro has spent months warning of a nuclear war pitting the U.S. and Israel against Iran and could also involve an attack on North Korea. He said fighting should have begun in July but has since said he may have been premature. Source: Yahoo News

Iowa Class Battleship -

The Iowa Class Battleships were 4 battleships built between 1939 and 1942. These ships were ordered by the United States Government in 1939 to be the escort vessels for the fast carrier task forces that would operate and control the bulk of the Pacific during World War II. The original order was placed for 6 ships but, in a gigantic waste of money, metal, and man hours, two were canceled before completion and scrapped. These Goliath blow-your-ass-out-of-the-water mean machines were commissioned on February 22, 1943 where they began an impressive career through the end of the century, to retire from service in March of 2006. While we could not locate an exact price for the ship construction at the time, a time when Coca-Cola cost a nickel, bread a penny, and your uncle walked 5 miles uphill both ways to school, Consumerist estimates that with inflation factored in, each vessel would have cost approximately 1.8 billion dollars. That makes the total cost for the four ships roughly in the neighborhood of 7.4 billion dollars

Police: Naked Woman Stole Taxi

Covington cops say alcohol and drugs may have been a factor in a modern-day version of "Lady Godiva."

According to a Covington Police spokesman, a cab driver picked up 29-year-old Jennifer Gille from a local motel, after she asked to be taken to an address off Harrison Avenue.

Covington Police Capt. Jack West said that upon arrival at the address, the woman refused to exit the cab. Further complicating matters, the cab driver said the woman "began acting crazy," taking off her clothing and demanding the cab driver take her to Michigan.

Instead of driving her to The Wolverine State, investigators say the cabbie drove her to the Covington Police department to try to get help removing her from the vehicle. When the driver went inside to get the assistance of police, cops say the naked woman jumped into the front seat of the cab and sped off. Police say she didn't get far; cops located the parked cab in a parking lot about a block from the police station, where the woman was again in the back seat, naked.

Officers say after they forcibly removed the naked woman from the cab, they "pulled her dress on so she would be properly dressed," according to the police report. To read more please go HERE. 

The Worst Environmental Disaster in U.S. History

The BP spill was called the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history. President Obama called it the worst. And I am not singing Yankee Doodle Dandy in Portuguese either. Of course, everything is unparalleled to the folks in Washington. How embarrassing that it has become hard to find the oil. Google says “where is the oil?” I guess probably the powers to be in Washington are frequently yelling the same thing in four-letter words.

So are we left with the anti-scientific precautionary theory – dreamt up by the very same guys who caused this disaster? Isn't that an appropriate question? We don’t know what could happen so it must be worse than anything we could think of. I’m sure the American people patience is wearing pretty thin when it comes to the politicians, chair warmers quirks.

Will the Gulf ever return to “normal?” No, I don’t think so since in the environment there is no normal. Ecology is the story of constant change. What scientists have found is those microorganisms are eating up the spilled oil. These organisms are naturally present in the Gulf because oil has been naturally leaking into the Gulf since the creation of the Gulf in deep geological time. They quickly multiplied as their food supply increased. I can bet their population will crash when it is gone. In the meantime, they will do their job at the bottom of the food chain. And sure enough I’ll bet that a couple of years from now people will discover that the fish and shrimp population has increased. Why? More food. The oil spill has essentially fertilized those waters. When the effect is over, there will be complaints.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

BREAKING NEWS - Obama Tells Students to Work Hard, Dream Big

Delivering a tough-love message, President Barack Obama told students in a back-to-school speech that their job was to show up on time, pay attention in class, do their homework, study and stay out of trouble. (Sept. 14) HOME RUN for the President!

AmazonWireless Sale is Now Extended

What is AmazonWireless?

Amazon is excited to announce the extension of the AmazonWireless Associate offer! Now through December 31, 2010. Customers can shop for phones by carrier, phone feature, price, color, and brand.

BREAKING NEWS - Boeing tearing down historic Plant 2

In this March 31, 1944 photo from the Boeing Co. archive, a B-17G Flying Fortress airplane is shown at Boeing's historic 'Plant 2' in Seattle, with camouflage used to hide the building from aerial attacks during World War II visible on the roof. After giving birth to some of the world's most significant aircraft, the outdated facility is scheduled to be torn down in the fall of 2010.

SEATTLE – The dilapidated factory that helped make Seattle a high-tech town is being demolished after 75 years, a casualty of time, technology and tails that grew too tall.

Boeing's Plant 2, a sprawling but long outdated building between Boeing Field and south Seattle's Duwamish River, gave birth to some of the world's most significant aircraft. It was the site of Seattle's biggest disappearing act and a home to "Rosie the Riveter," women who built thousands of World War 2 planes.

It's also where the mostly unskilled workers of a fish-and-timber town first learned the art of assembling aluminum, engines and electronics into sophisticated flying machines.

As the danger of global conflict grew, Boeing opened the factory in 1936 to build the prototype for the B-17 Flying Fortress. Eventually, nearly 13,000 of the bombers would be built, half of them at Plant 2.

Later in the war, it was where Boeing developed the B-29, a revolutionary plane with advanced radios, radars and computer-aided machine guns that dropped the atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. (Source: Yahoo. News) To read article go to HERE

Plant 2 will soon be gone but it’s product still lives in restored B17's, so long as one plane still flies or remains on display plant 2 will live. GOOD JOB BOEING!

Rebuild a Jeep under 4 minutes

These gentlemen are Canadian Army, part of the 3 Area Support Group Technical Services Division, and apparently had a lot of time on their hands while at Canadian Forces Base Gagetown in New Brunswick. This performance was part of an army services parade in Halifax. Impressive...I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it for myself.

YOUR MONEY - $800,000 of stimulus funds goes to teaching African's how to wash their man junk

(NIH), spent $823,200 of economic stimulus funds in 2009 on a study by a UCLA research team to teach uncircumcised African men how to wash their genitals after having sex. The genitalia-washing program is part of a larger $12-million UCLA study examining how to better encourage Africans to undergo voluntary HIV testing and counseling – however, only the penis-washing study received money from the 2009 economic stimulus law. The washing portion of the study is set to end in 2011.

“NIH Announces the Availability of Recovery Act Funds for Competitive Revision Applications,” the grant abstract states. “We propose to evaluate the feasibility of a post-coital genital hygiene study among men unwilling to be circumcised in Orange Farm, South Africa.” Because AIDS researchers have been unsuccessful in convincing most adult African men to undergo circumcision, the UCLA study proposes to determine whether researchers can develop an after-sex genitalia-washing regimen that they can then convince uncircumcised African men to follow.

The National Institute of Mental Health spent money on finding ways how to teach men from another nation to clean their stuff? I can't believe for ten seconds that there are still humans on Earth that don't know how to wash and need to be taught... and if there is... we could probably stand to be without them. Ridiculous!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Amazon's Fall Blowout Sale

Start the fall season off right with great deals on thousands of items featured during Amazon’s Fall Blowout Sale. The event will include sale prices on a great selection of items, including electronics, sporting goods, clothing, home furnishings, and more... Please click HERE

Is President Clinton a freeman?

I can't help myself and here I go again. “Was Bill Clinton is a freemason? Twenty years ago, this kind of claim was difficult to check. These days, you ask Google and you discover that Clinton was a member of a Masonic youth movement, the Order of DeMolay, and, indeed, is a member of the DeMolay Hall of Fame, although he apparently never joined the adult organization.

So, might Clinton be a secret adult Mason? Given the estimated 50 million dollars the Republicans spent poking through Clinton’s life during the so-called Whitewater affair of the early 1990s, this strikes me as unlikely. Nor is it really intelligible. In the USA as in Germany, the Masons aren’t a secret organization. Some members wear lapel pins on holiday in the States – and a Masonic Website will take you to the sites of the various Grand Lodges of the USA. Is it any more interesting that Clinton joined a Masonic youth group than if he’d joined the youth movement of – say – the Elks, another of these American fraternal organizations? Who really cares? Besides I'd rather be doing fun Stuff!

Man Arrested After Bragging About 14-Year-Old Girlfriend on Facebook

(Sept. 13) -- There's always a risk of oversharing on Facebook -- especially when you're a 27-year-old man attempting to illegally marry a 14-year-old girl. Police arrested Robert Nickson Jr. of Delaware County, Pa., earlier this week after learning of his alleged sexual relationship with a teenager through the couple's Facebook postings. Nickson and the underage girl haven't exactly been hiding their relationship, according to cops. They have both uploaded Facebook profile photos showing them together, and posted status updates noting they are "in love" and "engaged," police told the Philadelphia Daily News. They also allegedly sent text messages saying they were afraid the law might get in the way of their relationship. Court documents quoted in the paper reveal that the couple knew that the age of consent in Pennsylvania is 16, but they "didn't think they would get caught."

Nickson was charged with statutory rape, aggravated indecent assault and corruption of a minor after the girl told law enforcement officials that she had sex with the suspect at least four times in the apartment he shares with his father. ♫ Who let the dogs out? Who? Who? Who? Who? Who?

Small arms are the REAL weapons of mass destruction


A journey into the small arms trade...
It’s obvious we don't need all these guns. But I can't come up with a solution as to how the weapons' trade could even be touched. But it would have to include some sort of legislation, and it should be impossible to buy any gun which isn't to be used for hunting or competitions. In Canada there are just as many guns per person as in USA, due to the US gun culture; USA has way more deaths connected to such firearms. It should also be laws forcing people who have guns to have them in locked safes with the bolt in another locked place. And people should rather learn defensive marshal arts if they are so paranoid that they feel a need to own guns for protection. That's a few ideas, and I guess it won't be popular among most people on this board.

We can wish all we want that guns never existed, though that won't change the reality. As long as there is one group arming themselves, then we too have to arm ourselves to stay relevant and obstruct any kind of attempts at dominating and taken advantage of us. That is just the cold, hard reality…

As long as humans exist, war and violence will follow. If there were no guns, people would resort to spears, swords, rocks, and their bare hands. People fight for a number of reasons, such as resources, land, religion, etc. I respect the anti-war movement, but unless these organizations examine the causes of war rather than blame the weapons being used in them, they won't be able to stop the violence. Not all wars can be stopped, but the total number can be reduced.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Florida Pastor and Muslims

NEW YORK – Nine years of denouncing terrorism, of praying side-by-side with Jews and Christians, of insisting "I'm American, too." None of it could stop a season of hate against Muslims that made for an especially fraught Sept. 11. Now, Muslims are asking why their efforts to be accepted in the United States have been so easily thwarted. "We have nothing to apologize for, we have nothing to fear, we have nothing to be ashamed of, we have nothing that we're guilty of — but we need to be out there and we need to express this," said Imam Mohammed Ibn Faqih in a sermon at the Islamic Institute of Orange County in Anaheim, Calif., the day before the 9/11 anniversary. There is no simple way for American Muslims to move forward. Yahoo.News

It appears to me that Pastor Terry Jones, of Gainesville, Florida, could be just a genuine nut job, no point in even giving him the attention he wants as that could help fuel his evangelical feelings even more. He is a bad example to other Christians…I feel this man is giving Christians a bad image. And with the current political climate in the United States getting more and more hateful and extreme... Just maybe the Rev. Jones could be elected president of the US of A.

Video of San Bruno fire after gas pipe explosion in California


At least one person has died and around 30 are injured after a massive fire in a residential district near San Francisco. It's believed to have been caused by a gas pipe explosion. Residents heard a loud blast before dozens of homes were engulfed. Firefighters are trying to contain the 20-metre high flames and stop them from spreading to nearby buildings.

The Day My IBM Laptop Died

Sometimes I think I am going through a mid-life crisis… but I am too old. However, I am sure my trusty laptop computer has just gone it’s through a mid-life crisis. Horrified last Sunday morning my IBM tiny laptop died. Just died on the spot! The only word I could murmur was SHIT… here we go again. I tried to restart it but nothing happened. I know it seems ridiculous to people who don't have a computer but it’s like having a trusting pet dog is the best way and only I can describe it. Besides I missed browsing the Internet for the straight scoop or looking for Filipino star filled gossip. Now you guys who don’t live in a third world country it is no easy task to repair or find a replacement part for your computer - believe me. To me it seemed as if IBM had planned the whole thing. It is absurd not being able to run to the local corner computer store and having it fixed on the spot – of course not. As the result in the meantime my laptop laid cold stone dead until today. I know my mind is clutter with useless information and at times doesn’t make much sense. God, I need my computer I thought out loud and I knew I would never make any headway unless I went to Cebu some 50 km away to have the dead laptop repaired by my friend who happens to be the best computer technician in this part of the Philippines. Upon arriving at his business located downtown this morning around 11 Am and then with one glance like some ancient magician he performed his bag of magic tricks. An unexplained miracle happened before my eyes, my computer was booted up and purring like a happy cat. Rick (Isn’t it an easy name to remember?) knew the problem before I could speak - the electric connection transformer had been burnt out because the poor quality control by IBM and our local electrical system spikes in it’s even present electric currency.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Clinton: Plan to Burn Quran 'disgraceful Act'

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton last Tuesday called a Florida church's threat to burn copies of the Muslim holy book to mark the ninth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks a "disrespectful, disgraceful act." SORRY FOR BEING LATE FOR THIS VIDEO TO YOU ALL.

Dreams and Beyond and Politicians

I awoke this morning from a interesting dream, during the night. The dream is either so amazing or absurd that I can't help myself and here I go again. I'm going to write about my dream... I dreamt that America’s super action hero and governor Arnold Schwarzenegger had became the president and his vice president was no other then ex-governor the sometimes zany Sarah Palin. She said to the president setting next to her, “Mr. President…Mr. President.” There was no responds as Arnold looked at the window on the aircraft they both were aboard flying to Asia. The vice president cleared her throat and said, “I recently read a report that said a study of thousands of men and women conducted over a period of like 25 years that showed a direct relationship between meat consumption and increased mortality rates…” taking breather she continued, “shorter life spans.” By now she had his full attention… “I was just wondering do you still have those very big thick hamburgers.” He stopped staring out of Air Force One’s window. It was totally ridiculous. And besides his stomach was upset from the hamburger he just polished off. Since the plane ferrying the president and sometimes wacky vice president to Asia passed over southern Alaska. "I can see Russia from my house!" she exclaims seeing that they were flying over Anchorage. America’s super action star turned to her and then said, "Looking everywhere but can't see Russia from here.” Suddenly the flight attendant came up to the pissed off president and the smiling vice president and said, “Tea anyone?”