Straight from the South Seas

Straight from the South Seas
Retired Expat living the Philippines

Augustus Summerfield Merrimon

This Blog is dedicated to my great-great-grand uncle who was a Democratic US Senator from the state of North Carolina between 1873 and 1879.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Fact, fiction or cover-up? You be the judge.

From 1960 onward, rumors began to be surface about findings of mutilated human corpses; these corpses followed the disturbing pattern and traits of the cattle mutilations that have spread across the world since the 1970's. This matter, generally considered to be of very bad taste, surfaced again in 1988 when the Skywatch International open list published a short text purported to be based on a secret report relating the death of an Air Force Sgt (E-6) by the name Jonathan P. Louette, abducted at the White Sands missile test range in March of 1976. Jonathan Louette who was serving at the White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico, a vast remote base where the latest US technology is tested. There are many stories linking White Sands to alien contact and captured alien craft. The Sergeant and a senior officer were detailed to travel several miles down the missile range in a military vehicle to find and recover any debris from spent missiles. At one point they left their vehicle to scout the desert. They separated in order to cover a wider area of the sand dunes more quickly. Suddenly the officer heard screams in the area of the dunes where the sergeant was searching. He ran towards the noise thinking that a rattlesnake had bitten the sergeant and as he reached the top of the dune, he saw a disc shaped craft hovering low above the ground. A long tentacle coming from the underside of the craft was wrapped around the sergeant. It dragged the screaming man into the craft and then shot away at great speed. The officer returned to base in a state of shock. When he reported what had happened he was not believed and was arrested for murder. An immediate search of the area failed to find any sign of the sergeant. Three days later Sergeant Louette's mutilated body was found twenty miles down the range. The mutilations were clinical and precise and involved the removal of the genitals, the rectum and the eyes. Typically there was no blood on the body, but the cardiovascular organs had not collapsed. The officer was released without charge. Although the story was leaked out by people involved in the incident, the military refused to confirm or deny that such an incident had taken place.

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