Straight from the South Seas

Straight from the South Seas
Retired Expat living the Philippines

Augustus Summerfield Merrimon

This Blog is dedicated to my great-great-grand uncle who was a Democratic US Senator from the state of North Carolina between 1873 and 1879.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Day My IBM Laptop Died

Sometimes I think I am going through a mid-life crisis… but I am too old. However, I am sure my trusty laptop computer has just gone it’s through a mid-life crisis. Horrified last Sunday morning my IBM tiny laptop died. Just died on the spot! The only word I could murmur was SHIT… here we go again. I tried to restart it but nothing happened. I know it seems ridiculous to people who don't have a computer but it’s like having a trusting pet dog is the best way and only I can describe it. Besides I missed browsing the Internet for the straight scoop or looking for Filipino star filled gossip. Now you guys who don’t live in a third world country it is no easy task to repair or find a replacement part for your computer - believe me. To me it seemed as if IBM had planned the whole thing. It is absurd not being able to run to the local corner computer store and having it fixed on the spot – of course not. As the result in the meantime my laptop laid cold stone dead until today. I know my mind is clutter with useless information and at times doesn’t make much sense. God, I need my computer I thought out loud and I knew I would never make any headway unless I went to Cebu some 50 km away to have the dead laptop repaired by my friend who happens to be the best computer technician in this part of the Philippines. Upon arriving at his business located downtown this morning around 11 Am and then with one glance like some ancient magician he performed his bag of magic tricks. An unexplained miracle happened before my eyes, my computer was booted up and purring like a happy cat. Rick (Isn’t it an easy name to remember?) knew the problem before I could speak - the electric connection transformer had been burnt out because the poor quality control by IBM and our local electrical system spikes in it’s even present electric currency.

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