Straight from the South Seas

Straight from the South Seas
Retired Expat living the Philippines

Augustus Summerfield Merrimon

This Blog is dedicated to my great-great-grand uncle who was a Democratic US Senator from the state of North Carolina between 1873 and 1879.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Dreams and Beyond and Politicians

I awoke this morning from a interesting dream, during the night. The dream is either so amazing or absurd that I can't help myself and here I go again. I'm going to write about my dream... I dreamt that America’s super action hero and governor Arnold Schwarzenegger had became the president and his vice president was no other then ex-governor the sometimes zany Sarah Palin. She said to the president setting next to her, “Mr. President…Mr. President.” There was no responds as Arnold looked at the window on the aircraft they both were aboard flying to Asia. The vice president cleared her throat and said, “I recently read a report that said a study of thousands of men and women conducted over a period of like 25 years that showed a direct relationship between meat consumption and increased mortality rates…” taking breather she continued, “shorter life spans.” By now she had his full attention… “I was just wondering do you still have those very big thick hamburgers.” He stopped staring out of Air Force One’s window. It was totally ridiculous. And besides his stomach was upset from the hamburger he just polished off. Since the plane ferrying the president and sometimes wacky vice president to Asia passed over southern Alaska. "I can see Russia from my house!" she exclaims seeing that they were flying over Anchorage. America’s super action star turned to her and then said, "Looking everywhere but can't see Russia from here.” Suddenly the flight attendant came up to the pissed off president and the smiling vice president and said, “Tea anyone?”

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