Straight from the South Seas

Straight from the South Seas
Retired Expat living the Philippines

Augustus Summerfield Merrimon

This Blog is dedicated to my great-great-grand uncle who was a Democratic US Senator from the state of North Carolina between 1873 and 1879.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

It Could Be Worst

President Obama’s fall from grace is unbelievable. If Obama becomes a one-term President that will be a good sign that the voting public is wiser than voters in the days of FDR. During our 1930s depression the people were so afraid to vote for change that FDR was able to hang in for near four terms in office. Now, we are looking at a double dip and a jobless recovery and people want this administration gone. And, by the time 2012 elections roll around I believe they will want Obama gone more so than they wanted Bush gone.

I have to wonder what the Republican’s will do to improve their lot should they return to power in 2012. Can they take back the White House on the swan song of lower taxes and limited government? If they do and inherit this failed government - Okay let’s stop right here and determine what this failed government is. If the majority of the American people don’t want Democrats or Republicans returned to power then what do you call it? The economic situation is part of the government failure, I do believe. Add in some minor underpinning such as debt or legislation to go no where, plus more illegals than you can shake a stick at, and drug wars busting out all over, which I don’t believe I could find anyone who would argue otherwise.

FDR was able to shake the depression with the advent of WWII. It might be a long shot but the Republicans could declare war on the drug cartels. If fought like the Iraq/Afghan wars it could last longer than WWII giving political cover for a good number of years. They could drag it beyond Mexico to Venezuela, Columbia and points South, even to Africa.

It seems believable that war could be brought to the drug cartels in the same venue that we took on the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. It doesn’t have to be against the foreign governments. War against terror should fit the drug cartels nicely.

I could see the Republicans setting up a number of Arpaio type tent city jails and take the war to the cartels. I see nothing to gain re recovery from the great recession unless some protectionist's measures are taken. I can’t see that happening under the Republicans. But, they very well could score some points with the voting public by taking on the cartels as terrorist organizations.

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