Straight from the South Seas

Straight from the South Seas
Retired Expat living the Philippines

Augustus Summerfield Merrimon

This Blog is dedicated to my great-great-grand uncle who was a Democratic US Senator from the state of North Carolina between 1873 and 1879.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mexico, Drugs and the Recession

I wonder sometimes what the politicians in Washington might do in this great recession; they might be able to deflect the jobless recovery for several years by waging war on the drug cartels. Would Mexico allow to a takeover by the cartels or would they willingly turn to the US for guns and butter? Some African nations might go along for the economic benefits.

Invading Mexico would truly bring the drug wars to the US. The Mexican people and the world will not stand by if the US repeats its adventures into Mexico as we did so many years ago. The previous wars were not that popular, except in some regions of the South West. I’m there will be always someone who cheers that. When people in the US start dying because of the stupidity of a leadership that chooses to ignore the reality of what happened with regards to prohibition, the consequences to the cost will be enormous.

The careless attitude expressed about war, suggests someone more interested in a political agenda than anything to benefit Americans, and the misreading of history is enormous. Which is exactly right is saying - worked out in the rise of something similar to Nazism. I can imagine that if the government was looking to take the pressure off the working class they would round up the illegals and send them packing.

In the short-term the government will need some policy to pretend at leadership. I just think that, looking at the prospects, I guess waging a real shoot-em up war with the cartels would be their best shot while waiting out the recession.

I often wonder how the Afghan and Iraq wars have lasted far longer than WWII. Did it take that long to restore the oil fields and get oil flowing again? Didn’t the Al-Queda leave the battle field years ago?

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