Straight from the South Seas

Straight from the South Seas
Retired Expat living the Philippines

Augustus Summerfield Merrimon

This Blog is dedicated to my great-great-grand uncle who was a Democratic US Senator from the state of North Carolina between 1873 and 1879.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Politicians Truth or Consequences

This morning I awoke feeling like Conan the Barbarian with a big S taped to my chest then I realized I was trapped in a 74 year old body… after several months being absent from this blog I’m back. I have retooled the forum to meet my opinions and hopefully your insights. So please leave your comments, whether they be good – the bad – and so-so. Originally I thought my blog was going to be another strange and extraordinary bizarre blog. But in the meantime the dim-witted members of congress who represent us pissed me off! It’s like having Gomer Pyle as my neighbor and then reminding me and saying, “Surprise, surprise, surprise!” Life continues on with their stupid of surprises… and I know I’m not Barney Fife. Always to my amazement they will never give us a straight answer here but they're good giving us a beautiful song and dance. Sometimes I feel as if the Universe is screwing with me… I wander why THEY still give out the same bullshit, I am totally mystified. I could raise my index finger to my mouth and that popping nose as it pops out. 

Something I’ve observer over the years that most politicians are a slimy, slippery bunch, aren’t they? No wonder no one trusts them. Most are a master warding off the truth even though it is obvious to everyone; and they probably think they are telling it like it is. It must be difficult deluding themselves every day that they are actually on the people’s side. I’m 74 years old and through the years I’ve seen politicians come to bad ends. I’ve seen them become drunks, I’ve seen them become crooked, have sex scandals, have money scandals, abuse of their power – one after another they’ll eventually hit the dust. Some are caught and then become embattled and made uncomfortable by their confessions that they fathered a child from an extramarital affair, while always stressed “family values.”

It sounds like a broken record I wish the politicians in Washington would get their heads out of they’re asses and help people would really need it.

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