Straight from the South Seas

Straight from the South Seas
Retired Expat living the Philippines

Augustus Summerfield Merrimon

This Blog is dedicated to my great-great-grand uncle who was a Democratic US Senator from the state of North Carolina between 1873 and 1879.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Love Story

Love reigned over his heart. He offered her a world
In which death could not do them part. Her beauty could outlast the stars,
But she would bear a tiny scar, A pale, crescent mark, Telling of her lover dark.
Time and sleep would hold over them no sway, But they could not stand against the golden day.
He gave her his all, But with such pride… That there must be a fall.

Her mind adored him. Her heart abhorred him.
Torn between the two, There was only one thing to do.
Pleaded she for a morrow day
To decide to change or to stay.
He could bear this no longer,
And he, being stronger,
Kissed her with his burning silver,
A molten, changing silver,

Burning through her screaming veins,
Stilling her ruby heart, Never to beat again.

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