Straight from the South Seas

Straight from the South Seas
Retired Expat living the Philippines

Augustus Summerfield Merrimon

This Blog is dedicated to my great-great-grand uncle who was a Democratic US Senator from the state of North Carolina between 1873 and 1879.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Who was that catwoman? Who is she?

Catching my breath after watching the catwoman scamper away I continued my search of my new home “the bunker.” The place appeared and smelled as if it hadn’t been used in many years; the stale and mildew filled my lungs causing me to cough and wheeze every step or two. Walking on the cold concrete floor made my bare feet numb from its coldness… I was miserable. Hunger pains suddenly hit my stomach in waves – my search turned to rummaging around for food but you guess it. None was found. Investigating the areas where I could see from the lighting shining through the portholes nothing was found for me to live to tell this tale. In the darkened corridors just beyond where I stood I decided not to explore since they were a maze of pitch blackness. The bunker was locked down to keep out the scavengers and secured from outside trespassers. With a spine-tingling jolt unexpected I heard the humming sound of machinery coming to life in one of the dark corridors. I wasn’t sure what the machinery or machines meant; I could only hope for the best. But for now it didn’t help my situation. Unexpectedly the day light shining through the porthole windows began to dim as the sun sat. Once again unexpectedly I heard a tapping on one of windows… walking slowing to the tapping noise and I gazed out. There in the window materialized the beautiful creature “catwoman.” Our eyes locked on one another. It seemed that a contact passed between us, a spark leaped the gap. There seemed to be primeval natural magic in this enchanted beautiful catwoman creature. I noticed her almond-shaped blue colored eyes shined brightly with knowledge and ancient intelligence. She looks like she might be drowsy and then she rubbed her eyes and sighed. She stretched extending her arms above her head and gave out a big yaw and slowly extends hands and fingers. I could see her powerful musculature body surge as she stretched. While yawing she ran her tongue over the roof of her mouth. The catwoman touched her teeth with her pink tongue and I was amazed to catch sight of that on each side of her mouth towards the front were two pointed well-developed sharp-powerful incisors. Her woman’s soft lipped mouth was developed into a catlike-tiger mouth. After stretching as all cats do; she rubbed her face affectionately against the window outside while kissing along as well as purring with pleasure and leaving her scent on the window. Then she was gone! My first day was over. Hungry and tired I laid down the hard concrete floor and quickly fell asleep with one question on my mind who was that catwoman?
To be continued.

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