Straight from the South Seas

Straight from the South Seas
Retired Expat living the Philippines

Augustus Summerfield Merrimon

This Blog is dedicated to my great-great-grand uncle who was a Democratic US Senator from the state of North Carolina between 1873 and 1879.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

My Quest - Continuing Story

Previously: “I knew from twenty plus years in the army; death and danger do not have to come with special trappings. I knew that death and danger might come on a beautiful sunny afternoon in one of Baghdad’s marketplaces. A draft of fresh air touched my neck. The empty bunker was eerie. This place was damn sure not a rose garden. Stopping for a pause I spied light switches on the wall to my left, I wondered how I missed them yesterday as flipped on the switches. Nothing happened at first and then the ceiling lighting seemed very bright in the shadows. The gloom was gone, the lights worked where people once had walked years ago. I felt a tingle of relief. I had to admit I was not a seeker but I knew it was essential to survive in this new world.”
My Quest:
In the semidarkness the overhead lighting, four bulbs were still burning in a broken fixture. I observed raw ends of telephone wires lying on the top of a former reception’s desk. Pausing I leaned on the receptionist’s desk and tried to decide what to do next. I spied in the corner a very old McDonald hamburger container. I looked down the long corridor of the gloomy bunker. Surprising there was a whirring sound, and then lights flickered, then came back on. In front of me was something bulky at the far end. Without any explanation my mind began playing tricks on itself and my thoughts went wild. The place was eerie as a old tomb, there was doubt about it in my mind. In spite of the dust and frightening feeling I was determined to keep on going with my hunt. Originally I was going to search for food, water and clothes. Since hearing the chilling screams that awoke me I unquestionable decided to add weapons to my list. With shudder I immediately thought of the demonic screams I heard. My pace quicken. My surrounding were almost dungeon like but I continue since I knew my surviving depended what I could find in the next few days. I had to keep the faith. I knew that soon I might be in the fight of my life. Me, I’d be happy never to feel this way ever again. Yes I was scare. I heard dripping water some where my heart reverberated like a clanging bell. Dirty water stood ahead in the center of the corridor floor I then cleared my throat and stepped from one of the narrow puddle to the other as I kept on going. I listened and then nodded to myself, confirming to myself the bunker was empty and appeared it had been empty for generations. Had I been somehow transported into the future from my time I asked myself? Was my past dead and was this the future? I could only mull over my questions. Turning my head I immediately saw out of the corner of my eye a of once brightly polished brass plate attached to the wall. The brass plate was old and faded yet I made out the words, “United States Air Force!” Reading further the plate read the words, ‘2012.’ The rest of the plate was unreadable since time had faded out the words. In my world the year is or was 2009. My question been answered yet leaving much mystery to my puzzle. Just where was I?

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