Straight from the South Seas

Straight from the South Seas
Retired Expat living the Philippines

Augustus Summerfield Merrimon

This Blog is dedicated to my great-great-grand uncle who was a Democratic US Senator from the state of North Carolina between 1873 and 1879.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Florida Pastor and Muslims

NEW YORK – Nine years of denouncing terrorism, of praying side-by-side with Jews and Christians, of insisting "I'm American, too." None of it could stop a season of hate against Muslims that made for an especially fraught Sept. 11. Now, Muslims are asking why their efforts to be accepted in the United States have been so easily thwarted. "We have nothing to apologize for, we have nothing to fear, we have nothing to be ashamed of, we have nothing that we're guilty of — but we need to be out there and we need to express this," said Imam Mohammed Ibn Faqih in a sermon at the Islamic Institute of Orange County in Anaheim, Calif., the day before the 9/11 anniversary. There is no simple way for American Muslims to move forward. Yahoo.News

It appears to me that Pastor Terry Jones, of Gainesville, Florida, could be just a genuine nut job, no point in even giving him the attention he wants as that could help fuel his evangelical feelings even more. He is a bad example to other Christians…I feel this man is giving Christians a bad image. And with the current political climate in the United States getting more and more hateful and extreme... Just maybe the Rev. Jones could be elected president of the US of A.

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