Straight from the South Seas

Straight from the South Seas
Retired Expat living the Philippines

Augustus Summerfield Merrimon

This Blog is dedicated to my great-great-grand uncle who was a Democratic US Senator from the state of North Carolina between 1873 and 1879.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Small arms are the REAL weapons of mass destruction


A journey into the small arms trade...
It’s obvious we don't need all these guns. But I can't come up with a solution as to how the weapons' trade could even be touched. But it would have to include some sort of legislation, and it should be impossible to buy any gun which isn't to be used for hunting or competitions. In Canada there are just as many guns per person as in USA, due to the US gun culture; USA has way more deaths connected to such firearms. It should also be laws forcing people who have guns to have them in locked safes with the bolt in another locked place. And people should rather learn defensive marshal arts if they are so paranoid that they feel a need to own guns for protection. That's a few ideas, and I guess it won't be popular among most people on this board.

We can wish all we want that guns never existed, though that won't change the reality. As long as there is one group arming themselves, then we too have to arm ourselves to stay relevant and obstruct any kind of attempts at dominating and taken advantage of us. That is just the cold, hard reality…

As long as humans exist, war and violence will follow. If there were no guns, people would resort to spears, swords, rocks, and their bare hands. People fight for a number of reasons, such as resources, land, religion, etc. I respect the anti-war movement, but unless these organizations examine the causes of war rather than blame the weapons being used in them, they won't be able to stop the violence. Not all wars can be stopped, but the total number can be reduced.

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